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Sep 15, 2013  The Robert Bowne Foundation

The Robert Bowne Foundation provides grants related to youth literacy for direct service programs, technical assistance to out-of school programs, evaluation, advocacy, and research. Awards generally range from $20,000 to $30,000 and may be granted for specific projects or general operating support to the youth literacy program. Four Research Grants of $10,000 are also awarded to support either original empirical research in or about community-based youth programs during the non-school hours or research syntheses or policy analyses of community-based youth programs.

Select Year:

Summary of 2014 Grants

In 2014 The Robert Bowne Foundation disbursed $1,093,000 in grants.


Afterschool Alliance $75,000 www.afterschoolalliance.org
Citizens' Committee for Children $50,000 www.cccnewyork.org
Good Shepherd Services $100,000 www.goodshepherds.org
The After-School Corporation $20,000
The After-School Corporation $50,000
The After-School Corporation $40,000
United Neighborhood Houses $50,000 www.unhny.org
Total Advocacy:$385,000 

Board Discretionary Grants

826DC $3,000
KidSpirit $3,000
Lavelle School for the Blind $3,000
Lawyers for Children $1,500
Literacy Assistance Center $3,000 www.lacnyc.org
Long Island University $3,000
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund $1,500
Total Board Discretionary Grants:$18,000 

Julia Palmer Award for Library Development

Bronx Works $5,000 www.bronxworks.org
Brotherhood and Sister Sol $5,000 www.Brotherhood-SisterSol.org
Center for Educational Options, Inc. $80,000
Coalition for Hispanic Family Services $5,000 www.hispanicfamilyservicesny.org
Dorothy Bennett Mercy Center,Inc. $5,000 www.dbmcenter
Fiver Children's Foundation, Inc. $5,000 www.fiver.org
Henry Street Settlement $5,000 www.henrystreet.org
Ifetayo Cultural Arts Academy, Inc. $5,000 www.ifetayo.org
Point Community Development Corporation $5,000 www.thepoint.org
Queens Community House $5,000 www.queenscommunityhouse.org
Rauschenbusch Metro Ministries $5,000 www.metrobaptistchurchnyc.org/rauschenbush/
South Asian Youth Action, Inc. $5,000 www.saya.org
Union Settlement Association, Inc. $5,000 www.unionsettlement.org
Total Julia Palmer Award for Library Development:$140,000 

Planning & General Operating

Center for Educational Options, Inc. $10,000
Community Resource Exchange $90,000 www.crenyc.org
Kennesaw State University Research & Service Foundation $200,000
National Afterschool Association $25,000 http://www.naaweb.org/
Total Planning & General Operating:$325,000 

Research and Publications

Teachers College of Columbia University $25,000 www.tc.columbia.edu/
Total Research and Publications:$25,000 

Edmund A. Stanley, Jr. Research Grants

Michigan State University $25,000
University of Pittsburgh $25,000
Total Edmund A. Stanley, Jr. Research Grants:$50,000 

Technical Support

Center for Educational Options, Inc. $110,000
Center for Educational Options, Inc. $10,000
Tapfound, Inc./Taproot Foundation $30,000 www.taprootfoundation.org
Total Technical Support:$150,000