Resources for Nonprofits
Annotated Biblography
An annotated bibliography of topics in afterschool education, including computers and technology, curriculum development/ instructional approaches, diversity, evaluation/assessment, program design and management, research and policy, and staff development and training.
Technical Assistance
Afterschool programs often need more than financial assistance to fulfill and sustain their potential. They also need technical assistance, both in programmatic and management areas, to become quality educational providers.
The Robert Bowne Foundation dedicates a portion of its annual budget to supporting organizations that have expertise in out-of-school-time education and can provide staff development for the Foundation's grantees. The Foundation also recognizes that educational change cannot occur without administrative support. Program staff cannot achieve their quality program goals without the management skills needed to support change. In response to this need, the Foundation funds management technical assistance providers who, like the programmatic experts, offer customized, on-site assistance as well as group workshops and networking opportunities.