Occasional Paper Series
Mar 07, 2010
Jan Gallagher
Afterschool Matters/Occasional Papers is a peer-reviewed series published twice a year. It is distributed free of charge and posted on the RBF website. The goal of the Occasional Papers is to provide a venue for publishing research that explores key issues and topics in the practice and theory of afterschool programming, youth development, and learning during the out-of-school hours. In addition, the Occasional Papers address key policy issues in the area of youth development. The intended audiences for this series include researchers, university staff, afterschool program managers and practitioners, and policy makers. Prospective papers are solicited only by the Foundation.
Note: All downloads are .pdf files
Youth Engagement and Quality of Experience in Afterschool Programs
by David J. Shernoff and Deborah Lowe Vandell.
Bringing in the Community: Partnerships and Quality Assurance in 21st Century Community Learning Centers, by Charles Smith and Laurie van Egeren.
How Did You Spend Your Summer Vacation? What Public Policies Do (and Don't Do) to Support Summer Learning Opportunities for All Youth
by Ron Fairchild, Brenda McLaughlin, and Brendan P. Costigan.
The Art of Democracy / Democracy as Art: Creative Learning in Afterschool Comic Book Clubs
by Michael Bitz.
Civic Connections: Urban Debate and Democracy in Action during Out-of-School Time
by Georgia Hall.
Many Versions of Masculine: An Exploration of Boys'Identity Formation through Digital Storytelling in an Afterschool Program
by Glynda A. Hull, Nora L. Kenney, Stacy Marple, and Ali Forsman-Schneider.
From Promise to Participation
by Meredith I. Honig and Morva A. McDonald
In between Work and School
Youth Perspectives of an Urban Afterschool Multimedia Literacy Program
by Katherine Schultz, Edward Brockenbrough, and Jaskiran Dhillon
The Connection between Afterschool Programs and In-School Success
The Science Mentoring Project
by Cheri Fancsali and Nancy Nevarez
The Four Cs of Afterschool Programming:
A New Case Method for a New Field
by Gil G. Noam, Ed.D., Ph.D. (Habil)
With Susanna Barry, Lisa Wahl Moellman, Leigh van Dyken, Carol Palinski, Nina Fiore, and Rob McCouch
Investing in Social Capital:
Afterschool Activities and Social Affiliation in Immigrant Youth
by Marc Camras, Ph.D.
Community-Based Youth Organizations Negotiating Educational and Social Equity
by Sara Hill, Ed.D.
Supporting the Literacy Development of Low-Income Children in Afterschool Programs
by Robert Halpern, PhD