Where Have We Been? Where Are We Going? How Do We Get There?
Oct 29, 2015
Anne Lawrence
In this Networking Meeting, through hands-on activities, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on what they have learned about literacy, what comprises “good” learning experiences and what kind of learning experiences are needed to continue their professional growth. We will discuss how you can adapt these activities for a variety of age groups and settings at programs. In addition, this will help inform us of the types and topics of professional development you are interested in for the Legacy work of the Robert Bowne Foundation that the Center for Educational Options will be offering.
This is the 10th year of the Networking Meeting Series. These meetings provide opportunities for practitioners to talk informally with each other about their programs and their practice. By request, we added a half hour at the end so you have more time to network and chat.
Share your best practices and activities. Each Networking meeting brings together a variety of programs and practitioners – each with a wealth of experience and ideas that help us all as we continue to develop best practices. Everyone has something to offer.
Come make a difference!
Date: Thursday, November 19th
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Place: PASE (Partnership For Afterschool Education)
120 Broadway #230, New York, NY 10271
Please come early and bring your IDs as you will need to go through security. It can take 10 minutes.
Please RSVP by Monday, November 16th to anne.lawrence@bownefoundation.org